Saturday, April 14, 2007

An ELT Notebook : Teacher Talking Time : Part One

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Great Ways to Save on Groceries BY REBECCA BARNES

1. Watch the register. In most grocery stores, advertised sales change every week, so the scanners have to be updated constantly. But surprisingly often, they're not, so they charge you the full amount, not the discounted price. To get the deal you're after, keep an eye on the price being registered by the scanner, whether you're operating it yourself or dealing with a cashier. Put all the week's specials in a corner of your cart and line them up on the checkout counter together so you can easily keep track of the prices you're being charged as the items are scanned.

2. Don't assume that regular-price items are being entered correctly. After all, the person at the register may not know a pomegranate from a persimmon. On a recent shopping trip, I watched as a cashier entered my three-pound cabbage (39 cents per pound) as Brussels sprouts ($1.89 per pound) — an overcharge of $4.50. If I hadn't corrected him, my family would've eaten some very pricey coleslaw that night.

3. Collect your payoff if there's a mistake. Many people don't know it, but big chains like Giant, Safeway and Kroger will often give you an item for free if the scan shows a higher price than what's advertised. (Tobacco, alcohol, pharmacy items and dairy are excluded.)

4. Be persistent. If your grocer runs out of an advertised special, ask customer service for a rain check — a written promise to sell you the item at the lower price when it's restocked. Make sure the slip specifies the maximum number you can buy for the sale price (usually six). Ask about the time limit for using your rain check (it's usually 15 days).

5. Don't be fooled by deals like two for $1. You don't have to buy two. If the ad says "Buy two for $5" and you want only one, you can still get it for $2.50. If the item doesn't automatically scan that way, point out the sale price to the cashier.

6. Stock up, but wisely. Before you stash 10 boxes of something on your shelves, check the sell-by date. Even seemingly ageless products like tea bags and toothpaste eventually expire — and you don't want to be stuck owning eight more when they do.

7. Weigh before you pay. If you're buying a 10-pound bag of potatoes, put it on the scale before you put it in your cart. Many items weigh less than what the package says.

8. Don't pay extra for convenience. It's easier to pick up personal-care products and other nongrocery items at the supermarket. But this stuff often costs more than it does at a big drugstore chain.


music keith jarrett -- my wild Irish rose

Great Ways to Save on Groceries

1. Watch the register. In most grocery stores, advertised sales change every week, so the scanners have to be updated constantly. But surprisingly often, they're not, so they charge you the full amount, not the discounted price. To get the deal you're after, keep an eye on the price being registered by the scanner, whether you're operating it yourself or dealing with a cashier. Put all the week's specials in a corner of your cart and line them up on the checkout counter together so you can easily keep track of the prices you're being charged as the items are scanned.

2. Don't assume that regular-price items are being entered correctly. After all, the person at the register may not know a pomegranate from a persimmon. On a recent shopping trip, I watched as a cashier entered my three-pound cabbage (39 cents per pound) as Brussels sprouts ($1.89 per pound) — an overcharge of $4.50. If I hadn't corrected him, my family would've eaten some very pricey coleslaw that night.

3. Collect your payoff if there's a mistake. Many people don't know it, but big chains like Giant, Safeway and Kroger will often give you an item for free if the scan shows a higher price than what's advertised. (Tobacco, alcohol, pharmacy items and dairy are excluded.)

4. Be persistent. If your grocer runs out of an advertised special, ask customer service for a rain check — a written promise to sell you the item at the lower price when it's restocked. Make sure the slip specifies the maximum number you can buy for the sale price (usually six). Ask about the time limit for using your rain check (it's usually 15 days).

5. Don't be fooled by deals like two for $1. You don't have to buy two. If the ad says "Buy two for $5" and you want only one, you can still get it for $2.50. If the item doesn't automatically scan that way, point out the sale price to the cashier.

6. Stock up, but wisely. Before you stash 10 boxes of something on your shelves, check the sell-by date. Even seemingly ageless products like tea bags and toothpaste eventually expire — and you don't want to be stuck owning eight more when they do.

7. Weigh before you pay. If you're buying a 10-pound bag of potatoes, put it on the scale before you put it in your cart. Many items weigh less than what the package says.

8. Don't pay extra for convenience. It's easier to pick up personal-care products and other nongrocery items at the supermarket. But this stuff often costs more than it does at a big drugstore chain.

info from:,,701477,00.html
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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sunday, December 31, 2006

灰熊人 觀後感

一種愛動物的方式, 當我們用自認為保護她們的方式來愛動物時,我們是否也應該自覺地尊重她們.

當影片中的灰熊人提姆把逃避文明世界的宣洩出口經轉化成對灰熊的愛, 在這部紀錄片裡,如果灰熊也有話要說的話,真不知牠們會如何評斷提姆. 動物們很自然地遵循物競天擇的生存法則,強凌弱,眾趨寡,因此會發生公熊吃掉小雄也就不足為奇了。人們對於提姆和女友被灰熊吃掉的反應有著兩極的反應,其實提姆從不避諱的提到和灰熊的相處是存在某種程度的危險的,但他還是做了這樣的選擇。是提姆的對大自然的無知,自大,偏執的愛導致死於熊掌之下的悲劇嗎?看著灰熊的眼睛,我似乎也迷惑了起來。

p.s. DVD 已經上市了,有興趣的朋友可以去租來看看

richard thompson -- coyotes

Monday, November 27, 2006




Tuesday, November 21, 2006


在網頁右下角有個常條型的撥放軟體,點選其中的相機圖示可以看到照片,點選音符圖示就會進入音樂撥放的畫面. 若點選最左邊的[圈圈+向右上揚的箭頭]的圖示則會進入功能目錄的畫面,進入play music的選單之後,妳可以選擇想廳的歌曲. 如果各位想把你們喜歡的音樂放在這裡,我也很樂意為各位服務. 另外要提到的一點是這個撥放軟體有時會秀斗,無法顯示音樂.可以試試把網頁作重新整理的動作.大概就這樣吧,有其他想到的再上來告知大家吧.